- Abrir- to open
- Agarrar- grab
- Aplaudir- to applaud
- Asegurar- to lock
- Atar- to tie
- Bailar- to dance
- Barrer- to sweep
- Batear- to strike/bat
- Beber- to drink
- Bostezar- to yawn
- Brincar- to skip
- Caminar- to walk
- Cantar- to sing
- Cargar- to carry
- Cavar- to dig
- Cepillar- to brush
- Cerrar- to close
- Cocinar- to cook
- Coger- to take
- Colocar- to set
- Comer- to eat
- Conducir- to drive
- Construir- to build/construct
- Correr- to run
- Cortar- to cut
- Coser- to sew
- Dar- to give
- Decir- to say/tell
- Deslizar- to slip/slide
- Dibujar- to draw
- Dirigir- to direct/lead
- Doblar- to fold
- Dormir- to sleep
- Empacar- to pack
- Empujar- to push
- Escribir- to write
- Estornudar- to sneeze
- Flotar- to float
- Girar- to spin/turn
- Golpear- to knock
- Gritar- to scream
- Hablar- to speak
- Hornear- to bake
- Ir- to go
- Jugar- to play
- Lanzar- to throw/launch
- Lavar- to wash
- Leer- to read
- Levantar- to lift
- Limpiar- to clean
- Llamar- to call
- Llorar- to cry
- Marchar- to march
- Mecer- to swing
- Mezclar- to mix
- Mirar- to look at/watch
- Montar- to ride
- Morder- to bite
- Mostrar- to show
- Nadar- to swim
- Navegar- to sail/navigate
- Parar- to stop
- Pararse- to stand
- Patear- to kick
- Patinar- to skate
- Pegar- to paste
- Peinar- to comb
- Pintar- to paint
- Plantar- to plant
- Preguntar- to ask a question
- Rastrillar- to rake
- Rebotar- to bounce
- Refregar- to scrub
- Reír- to laugh
- Remar- to row
- Saltar- to jump
- Saludar- to greet
- Secar- to dry
- Seguir- to follow
- Sentarse- to sit
- Señalar- to point/signal
- Servir- to serve
- Soñar- to dream
- Subir- to go up
- Tirar- to pull
- Tomar- to take
- Trabajar- to work
- Venir- to come
- Ver- to see
- Volar- to fly