It’s always surprising to me year after year how many of my new BVSD Spanish students don’t know the Spanish Alphabet. This tutorial covers the letters in the Spanish alphabet and how they’re pronounced. Learning the proper pronunciation of Spanish letters allows the student to easily read and spell new words. A- ah (the doctor […]
Spanish Practice: Por o Para

Por versus Para is one of the more difficult Spanish grammar concepts to learn. After reviewing my Por or Para Tutorial, my Spanish students complete this Spanish by the Hour practice worksheet. If you have any questions about this Spanish Practice worksheet, contact me. Completa las frases con por o para. Preparé la cena […]
Spanish Tutorial: Por or Para

This Spanish lesson is one of the more difficult lessons to learn in Spanish because we only have one word in English that functions as two different words in Spanish. Casey Middle School, Boulder High School, and Fairview High School cover this lesson in the bi-lingual program as well as level three. This is a […]